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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pivot, You Say ?

Once upon a time, USA national political news media, thought DISHONESTY, DECEPTION, and outright LYING to be such a BFD for POTUS candidates, that they FALSELY accused Al Gore of being a LIAR, WHILE they IGNORED the ACTUAL lies of Bush Jr. NOW, NONE of the major networks seem CAPABLE of calling Willard Romney or Paul “Noodler-Boy” Ryan out for their BLATANT LIES.

The folks at the networks can NOT even muster the courage to challenge Willard or Noodler-Boy, when the LIES are OBVIOUS. For SOME reason, Willard and Noodler are given a pass for ANYTHING they have SAID in the PAST, even WHEN the PAST is ONLY 5 minutes PAST. WTF do they MEAN when they say, “What Mitt Romney said in the primaries was just what he HAD to say in order to win the primaries, and NOW he has to PIVOT.”

“PIVOT?” Oh, so HOW in the HELL are we to KNOW that WTF Willard and Noodler-Boy say TODAY will Not be “pivoted” upon TOMMORROW? Other things that I find problematic about all this pathological prevarication is, just WTF, would ANY foreign nation, BELIEVE or TRUST a F’N thing the USA says?

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