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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday Rant - A VERY Rough Draft

Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am so TIRED of hearing this BS about this being “President Obama’s ECONOMY.” STOP harassing President Obama about the Economy. START asking the GOP, folks such as Mitch McTyrtle, John Boner, and Eric “I love Britney Spears” Cantor, who ACTUALLY are RESPONSIBLE for BREAKING the Economy, WTF THEY have DONE to help the Economy to RECOVER.

THEY have done NOTHING, and instead are RESPONSIBLE for doing ALL they can to SABOTAGE the Economy. THEY have the SAME goal as Al Qaeda, which is to DEFEAT President Obama and DESTROY the USA Economy. THIS IS the STATED GOAL of the GOP AND Al Qaeda. It does NOT get MUCH clearer than THIS.

Alphabet-News Channels are TERRIFIED of FACTS, operate on FED (False Equivalency Design), and ABIDE by IOKIYAR.

THEY are part of the world's OLDEST profession, and are ALWAYS ready to get on their knees or into any other position that will satisfy the GOP. WTF has the GOP ever DONE to HELP the USA’s ECONOMY?

They IGNORE Willard's LIES and NEVER raise the issue of his BLATANT dishonesty, plus they seem SMITTEN by Catfish-Noodler, as if they all are in the throes of 8th grade schoolboy crushes. Once AGAIN, just how in the HELL, is PRESIDENT Obama to blame for the ECONOMY?

THIS is the FIRST time in USA history that RAISING the Debt Ceiling has NOT been automatic for the PRESIDENT, regardless of Party affiliation. THIS is ALSO the FIRST time in USA history we have had a BLACK President.

But y'all REFUSE to state FACTS, BECAUSE, I UNDERSTAND it MUST be TOUGH competing for TRICKS these days and I KNOW the number ONE play in the Hooker's Handbook for High-Octane Clients is to indulge their EVERY fantasy, since we KNOW THESE particular clients can have FOX and Friends ANY old time, you MUST do WHATEVER you can to PLEASE them, and get them to SPEND that CASH with y'all. Cheers.

IF, it IS, up to the STATES as to WHO is ALLOWED to VOTE, then WTF is the PURPOSE of VOTING RIGHTS legislation and WTF have we RETURNED to a Jim Crow voting system? People sure do NOT seem too UPSET over LOSING their CONSTITUTIONAL Right to VOTE. AND WTF does the U.S. Constitution NOT apply to states such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ohio? Just wait until election day when all the minority precincts have machine failures, power failures, switched locations, etc.

Once AGAIN, just how in the HELL, is PRESIDENT Obama to blame for the ECONOMY?

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