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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Golden Parachutes and Bungee Cords (Fiscal Cliff Rant)

English: President Barack Obama makes a statem...
English: President Barack Obama makes a statement in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House announcing a deal in the ongoing efforts to find a balanced approach to the debt limit and deficit reduction, July 31, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
IF we do INDEED, go over this "cliff," we MUST make sure that the appropriate parties receive their JUSTIFIED blame. GOP is ALREADY on this PR offensive to appear "open to compromise" and will portray the Democrats as "unreasonable." The hapless lapdog news media will oblige the GOP, per usual, if we are not careful. Someone NEEDS to point out that this "FISCAL CLIFF" was created totally by the GOP solely because the GOP, for the FIRST time in USA history, blocked a USA President from raising the Debt Ceiling. ALL previous Presidents, regardless of party affiliation, have been allowed to RAISE the Debt Ceiling.

It is ONLY because this is the FIRST USA BLACK President that he was NOT allowed to raise the Debt Ceiling. ENOUGH is F'N ENOUGH of this RACIST BS. The ELECTION is OVER. Many of the SAME GOP legislators who BLOCKED President Obama on the Debt Ceiling, ALSO voted in FAVOR of RAISING the Debt Ceiling when Bush Jr. did IT. They ALSO voted in FAVOR of the Iraq Invasion, occupation, and all the Bush Tax Cuts, which are RESPONSIBLE for MOST of the DEBT and DEFICIT. They are HYPOCRITES at BEST. And the News media NEVER puts this in the proper context and EXPLAINS how the F*CK we got HERE.
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