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Friday, December 21, 2012

Lethal Consequences - Combustible Combination

30209 (Photo credit: WillieBlue)

They ginned up the rhetoric got people to walk around outside events whee the President was speaking, brandishing automatic weapons, publicly, hanged effigies of President Obama, called him a terrorist, called him as Muslim as IF, something is WRONG with being a Muslim, called him a Communist, a Socialist, said he was not born in the USA, said he was NOT intelligent, said that he was coming to get your guns, called him a baby killer, and of course EVERY racial slur that has EVER been known to mankind.

They have spun EVIL and HATE, non-stop, 24/7/365 and this EVIL and HATE has taken human form, in the bodies of THIS shooter, THOSE Colorado, Wisconsin, Oregon and Oregon shooters. They have taught the idea that it is okay to DISRESPECT your fellow human brothers and sisters to the selfish, hubristic ideation that THEY are all-powerful and are free to gun down in cold-blood ANYONE, including innocent little boys and girls, IF they choose, that THEY are simply exercising their "right to bear arms" that they can resolve any actual or imagined personal issue through the use lethal ballistic force.

And those who pander to the feeble-minded, who purposely stir emotions through the dissemination of paranoia-fueled propaganda, via mass media networks, are, in essence, helping the executioners carry out the senseless slaughter of innocent human beings. Much the same as the cliche"yelling fire in a crowded theater" (when there is NO fire) creating a false fear, a panic, an anxiety which triggers a perverse, pathological reaction, and when combined with easy access to military-grade, semi-automatic weapons, ammunition, and high capacity magazines, results in horrific carnage, incomprehensible to the normal human mind. It is savagery, pure savagery and it has been carefully created, cultivated, and cheered into reality. NONE of these incidents are accidents.

More people have been killed by guns this year in Chicago than in Afghanistan. GUNS are responsible for exponentially MORE deaths in the USA than Al Qaeda or ANY terrorist organization. YET, the USA spends TRILLIONS of dollars chasing ghosts around the globe, while the REAL enemy lurks in our parks, our schools, our malls, our neighborhoods, our streets, our yards, and inside our VERY homes. The USA has chosen to play roulette with guns or a "Price is Right" spinning wheel and WHEREVER that wheel STOPS, is where the NEXT expression of gun violence will occur. It might kill your sons, your daughters, your mother, your father, your grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, cousin, friend, neighbor, or the bullets may find YOU.
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cliffs, Myths, and Collard Greens

This ENTIRE contrived "fiscal cliff" was totally created by the GOP as a result of the GOP BLOCKING President Obama from raising the debt ceiling, something which has ALWAYS been automatic, for EVERY President , Republican OR Democrat, UNTIL PRESIDENT Barack Obama was in office. I think if you run a little statistical correlation algorithm on the numbers, you will find it statistically SIGNIFICANT that the very FIRST time in HISTORY, a USA President has been BLOCKED from raising the debt ceiling, is ALSO the FIRST time the USA has a BLACK President. And NOW, the GOP is talking of BLOCKING him AGAIN, so it will have been done TWICE and BOTH times occurred with a BLACK USA President.

It is NOT about deficit SPENDING or DEBT. Bush, Jr. did Plenty of deficit SPENDING and ALSO increased DEBT, yet some of these very SAME Republican senators and representatives, NEVER balked at Bush Jr. raising the debt ceiling, in fact, many times. And the good old D.C. press corp ONLY seems to find deficit spending and debt a problem when a Democrat occupies the White House. The D.C. media seems to be obsessed with this hallucination of a 'fiscal cliff."

Jimmy Cliff
Cover of Jimmy Cliff

The "fiscal cliff" is a sham, a mirage, hallucination, fake, false, contrived emergency, shadow, vapor, smoke, ghost, not even as REAL as Bigfoot or Nessie or getting kidnapped by alien beings from far away galaxies ,who take you for a spin in their flying Escalade, after which you wake up, naked and confused, with a taser burn on your neck The only "cliff" I can find is Jimmy Cliff, so I listened to him sing, "I Can See Clearly Now," and come to think of it, I CAN see CLEARLY, and there is NO cliff of any kind ahead of me.

Mitch McTyrtle said, "make President Obama a one-term President." This, HOWEVER, did NOT work, so we are stuck with this mythical mirage of a "fiscal cliff" where, apparently folks are going to sucked into a whirling vortex of anti-matter before they finish their black-eyed peas and collard greens on January 1st, 2013. As for January 1st, I'm going to finish my black-eyed peas, collard greens, cornbread, jug of sweet tea, and don't plan on getting ANYWHERE near a CLIFF of ANY sort.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Golden Parachutes and Bungee Cords (Fiscal Cliff Rant)

English: President Barack Obama makes a statem...
English: President Barack Obama makes a statement in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House announcing a deal in the ongoing efforts to find a balanced approach to the debt limit and deficit reduction, July 31, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
IF we do INDEED, go over this "cliff," we MUST make sure that the appropriate parties receive their JUSTIFIED blame. GOP is ALREADY on this PR offensive to appear "open to compromise" and will portray the Democrats as "unreasonable." The hapless lapdog news media will oblige the GOP, per usual, if we are not careful. Someone NEEDS to point out that this "FISCAL CLIFF" was created totally by the GOP solely because the GOP, for the FIRST time in USA history, blocked a USA President from raising the Debt Ceiling. ALL previous Presidents, regardless of party affiliation, have been allowed to RAISE the Debt Ceiling.

It is ONLY because this is the FIRST USA BLACK President that he was NOT allowed to raise the Debt Ceiling. ENOUGH is F'N ENOUGH of this RACIST BS. The ELECTION is OVER. Many of the SAME GOP legislators who BLOCKED President Obama on the Debt Ceiling, ALSO voted in FAVOR of RAISING the Debt Ceiling when Bush Jr. did IT. They ALSO voted in FAVOR of the Iraq Invasion, occupation, and all the Bush Tax Cuts, which are RESPONSIBLE for MOST of the DEBT and DEFICIT. They are HYPOCRITES at BEST. And the News media NEVER puts this in the proper context and EXPLAINS how the F*CK we got HERE.
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